Talitha Koum

We believe in the transformative power of prayer and the sacred anointing oil. Our journey began with a deep passion for sharing the blessings of faith and connecting hearts to the timeless wisdom of the Bible.

Anointed by Faith, Crafted with Love

Our Holy Blessing Anointing Oils are more than just products; they are vessels of prayer and worship. We've carefully handcrafted each bottle with the utmost devotion, sourcing the ingredients directly mentioned from the Bible itself. This ensures that when you hold your anointing oil, you're embracing the legacy of biblical faith.

A Divine Connection

From the fragrant notes of Frankincense to the soothing touch of Rose of Sharon, our anointing oils carry the essence of heartfelt prayers, just as they did in biblical traditions. Each order is prayed for, and we ask God to provide a personal word of encouragement, dedicated to you, reinforcing the belief that Jesus is always near.

Anointing for Every Occasion

Whether you seek a tool for consecration, a fragrant reminder in your daily prayers, or a thoughtful gift to share the love of Jesus with others, our anointing oils are here to accompany you on your spiritual journey.

Crafted with Care, Delivered with Love

Every bottle is made under prayer and worship, infusing biblical significance into every drop. Hand-filled and blessed, our anointing oils are proudly made in the USA, ensuring the highest quality for you.

Join Our Faithful Community

As a small, local family business, we are driven by our love for God and our desire to help others experience the profound presence of Jesus. Share the gift of anointing oils with your loved ones and let the love of Jesus flow through your life.

Discover the power of prayer and embrace the rich tapestry of biblical history